• Q: What's the delivery time for products?
  • A: Our products typically arrive at your door within 3-15 business days from the order date. 

  • Q: How can I track my order?
  • A: Once dispatched, details zoom into your inbox for easy tracking. 

  • Q: Haven't received my order confirmation email. What should I do?
  • A: Check spam, and still not found, then hit us up at thestylingroomofficial@gmail.com or WhatsApp for speedy assistance. 

  • Q: Do you allow returns or exchanges for swimwear?
  • A: Nope, swimwear sales are final - dive in with confidence! 

  • Q: What about returns or exchanges for apparel?
  • A: Each brand has its policy; visit our page for the complete run down. 

  • Q: Can I cancel my order?
  • A: Sorry, sales are final, but our return policy can help you on some details. 

  • Q: Do you accept Cash on Delivery?
  • A: Only prepaid payments accepted, with multiple options via Razorpay. 

  • Q: Will my data be secure?
  • A: Absolutely, your privacy is paramount priority with secure payment gateways.


  • Q: Which shipping carriers do you use?
  • A: Carriers vary by location, ensuring smooth delivery all over India. 

  • Q: Where can I find your physical store?
  • A: Yes, see you at The Styling room in Bandra West , Mumbai! 


  • Q: Can I return sale items?
  • A: Nope, sale items are final -  get them before they're gone! 

  • Q: How can I make changes to my order?
  • A: Reach out to us at thestylingroomofficial@gmail.com or WhatsApp  for quick adjustments.